First visit to Xochimilco

We visited on Sunday 21 February, and learned about the various tours on offer. Local people were very very keen to take us on a boat tour. The 'trajineras' are traditional punted boats at the Xochimilco wetland ecosystem.

Offering us two different types of tours: there was the 'tourist' tour, which kept to the straight canals with its culture of relaxing, listening to the mariachi bands, and drinking on these boats. Or the second option was the 'ecological' tour: a 6 hour round trip, visiting the farmlands and axolotl sanctuaries, further from the noisy city crowds out enjoying the river. 

Deciding to leave it for that day (it was already 3pm and we didn't have enough pesos), we left the dockyard with only the information, much to the 'trajineros' (boatmen) disappointment. 

Ecological tour information board. A local young woman, Clara, explained the options to us in English

Community mural at the docks

'Tourist' tour information board

Inside a trajinera


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